Today we will tell you today is national what day. Since 2014, there is a world day dedicated to the right to know one’s origins. This fight was initiated by a group, the C oordination of A ctions for D ight to C nowledge of O rigines. The day of May 30 was put in place to give greater visibility to this cause.
World Day for the Right to Origins May 30
Complex issues
The question posed deserves attention. Should we, yes or no, allow children born under x to find their biological parents even though the birth under X was supposed to break all links.
The legislator has also addressed this issue and has asked to change the law creating the C ouncil N ational for A ccess to O rigines P ersonnelles (CNAOP) and consider the possibility that the father can recognize the child, even if the mother gives birth under X.
The questions are asked, the answers not always as simple as one might wish. The interest of this day will be at least to encourage everyone to think about it!