Today we will tell you today is national what day. Today, Western society is concerned about elder abuse due to this concern world started world day against elder Abuse to stop elder abuse. Interest in elder abuse in Europe has been growing for fifteen years.
World Day Against Elder Abuse June 15
The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of an unacceptable and taboo phenomenon in our society, a scourge that must be condemned together, elder abuse.
The victims
According to the Alma (victim-awareness association), the most vulnerable people, mostly women (75%), rather old (on average 79 years old) who are vulnerable, unable to defend themselves or react, are designated victims ( they are often dependent).
The abusers
Although it is difficult to clearly distinguish the various aspects of abuse, physical, psychological or financial, the little brothers of the Poor who accompany nearly 8,000 people in France, are particularly concerned about financial abuse, because many acts of malevolence and physical violence are motivated by material interests. They are often of family origin and come also from the non-family environment of the person at home or in institution (the neighborhood, the caregivers, the touts …). These financial malignancies are often acts on the edge of legality, discreet and invisible, which sometimes go unnoticed by the elderly victims themselves who may not be in full possession of all their means.
In institutions for the elderly, abuse is often the result of a lack of staff and resources. This situation is unacceptable on the part of places of life where people must evolve in a professional environment, providing care, serenity and protection. Civic abuse (violation of the rights of persons) is also reported in institutions.