Brazil is known around the world for their love of football and the beautiful beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world. We offer some interesting facts about Brazil. The official name of the country Brazil or the Federal Republic of Brazil. It is also the most populous country in Latin America.
Interesting facts about Brazil
- Brazil is the fifth most populous country in the world, with approximately 210 million inhabitants.
- Also, Brazil represents almost 50% of South America.
- São Vicente (near Sao Paulo) is the oldest city in Brazil, founded in 1532.
- The capital Brasilia, took almost 4 years to be built.
- View from the sky, Brasilia looks like an airplane.
- The country’s motto is “Ordem e Progresso”, which means “order and progress”.
- Some Nazis fled to Brazil after the Second World War. One of them was Josef Mengele, also known under the alias of “The Angel of Death”.
- The highest mountain in Brazil is the Pico da Neblina, located on the border with Venezuela, at 2,994 meters above sea level. It was discovered until the 1950s.
- Christ the Redeemer was damaged by lightning in 2014, losing the tip of his thumb.
- The most popular surname in Brazil is “Silva”.
- The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro weighs 635 tons, is 38 meters high (including its pedestal) and was named one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World” in 2007.
- Brazilian prisoners can reduce their sentence if they read books. For each book read, four days of the sentence are subtracted, up to a maximum of 48 days a year.
- Brazil has 20 places declared World Heritage by UNESCO. One of the most outstanding is the Iguazú National Park that has one of the largest and most amazing waterfalls in the world.
- Between 1.5 million and 2.5 million Brazilians are Japanese offspring.
- Brazil has been the largest coffee exporter in the world for more than 150 years. In the 1920s it supplied around 80% of the world coffee.
- Brazil is one of the countries that lead the world’s biodiversity. It has 4 million plant and animal species.
- In addition, Brazil is the nation that has more species of monkeys in the world.
- Rio de Janeiro became a World Heritage Site in 2012.
- Every year 6.4 million tourists visit Brazil.
- Rio de Janeiro means “Rio de Enero” and was so named by mistake. A Portuguese explorer thought that the bay was the mouth of a river.
- Brazil has the second highest number of airports in the world, after the United States
- Sao Paulo is one of the cities with the worst vehicular traffic in the world.
- Rio de Janeiro was once the capital of Portugal, becoming the only European capital outside of Europe
- The 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, became the first Olympics held in a South American country.
- Brazil is a country that has a large number of rivers, with twelve river basins, of which several rivers are divided. For example, “Amazonas” the longest river on the planet is concentrated in Brazil, but it reaches Colombia, Bolivia and Peru.