The capital city of Ethiopia is Addis Ababa . It is the most populated city and capital of Ethiopia in Amharic Ädisə Äbäba means “New Flower” its name also appears written as Addis Ababa which is the capital city of Ethiopia or Addis Abbaba.
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Capital City Of Ethiopia
The city is also the capital of the African Union and the United Nations Commission for Africa and has a population of 3,384,569 inhabitants, according to the 2008 census . The Ethiopian territorial organization in Addis Ababa which is the capital city of Ethiopia coexist more than 80 nationalities and languages, as well as Christians, Muslims and Jews.
History About Addis Ababa
The city was founded in 1887 by Menelik II, king of the Shewa or Shoa region and the place where it is located was chosen by the Empress Taytu Betul.
Long before the city was established there were already small colonies of natives residing in the area. Apparently the empress chose this place because of the existence of hot springs, where a kind of spa was established, where court nobles enjoyed relaxing baths.
In 1936 the invasion of the country by Italy that came to occupy and make Addis Ababa which is the capital city of Ethiopia in the capital of the so-called Italian East Africa while the Ethiopian army resisted with the military leaders in Gondar, the traditional capital of the country.
Interesting Facts About Addis Ababa
The city is located between the coordinates: 9 ° 1’48 “N 38 ° 44’24” E, in the center of the country at the foot of Mount Entoto, on a plateau between 2,300 and 2,600 meters above the level Of the sea, making it the highest capital in Africa and the fourth largest in the world. Its height varies from 2,326 meters from the lowest point, where the airport is located, to the more than 3,000 meters of the Entoto mountains in the north, where the poorer neighborhoods are concentrated. The area is bordered by a grassland meadow.
The climate of the city is a mixture between the subtropical highland climate and the mountain climate. Due to the difference in altitude and the influence of the wind, it has a temperature difference of about 10 ° C between its different zones. Nonetheless elevated throughout the year.
In the city resides a 22,9% of the total population of Ethiopia and according to census of 2007 Addis Ababa which is the capital city of Ethiopia has a population of 2,738,248 inhabitants and in her are present all the ethnic groups of the country. This ethnic mixture offers a great cultural diversity that turns the city into a very attractive.
The city is the economic and financial center of the country and has experienced rapid growth due to the huge number of immigrants it receives, mainly from the south after the end of the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The economic center of the city is called Merkato, which is reputed to be the largest market in all of Africa. Livestock is the main economic activity of the city. The city is home to the national bank of Ethiopia. And Ethiopian Airlines, Africa’s most active airline.
The city is home to the National Archives and Library of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Ethnological Museum (Old Palace), Addis Ababa Museum, the Natural History Museum of Ethiopia , the Ethiopian Railway Museum and the National Postal Museum.
Other notable architectural works include St George’s Cathedral (founded in 1896 ), Holy Trinity Cathedral (formerly the largest Orthodox cathedral in Ethiopia and the location of the tomb of Sylvia Pankhurst), as well as the burial place of Emperor Haile Selassie and the imperial family and those who fought against the Italians during the war.
The city is the seat of the University of Addis Ababa, which has six of its seven sites in Addis Ababa, since the other is located in Debre Zeyit. In addition to the university and public schools, the city also has several universities and private centers and has the headquarters of the International Institute for Livestock Research.