The national bird of Zimbabwe is bateleur eagle. Three words serve to describe what an eagle is: beauty, majesty and power. No doubt this raptor is one of the most known and admired animals of nature. With their powerful claws they can catch prey of their own weight and take flight. They can also reach speeds of 200 kilometers per hour and see a rabbit at 2,000 meters away. We explain what and how are the eagles, the different species or types and where they live. Everything about the eagle accompanied by photos, videos and audios. If there is something that characterizes the eagle it is the great force that gives him his muscles, his excellent vision and the enormous speed that he manages to achieve flying.
The national bird of Zimbabwe is bateleur eagle have a powerful beak that is curved and sharpened at the tip, but straight at its base. In this way they can crumble and tear the meat with which it feeds. The claws of the eagles are among the most powerful in nature. With them they not only manage to cause serious damage to their prey, but they can seize them strongly and take flight.
National Bird of Zimbabwe
The national bird of Zimbabwe is bateleur eagle here we find the vision of these birds of prey is extraordinary. Their eyes are somewhat larger than those of humans, but instead, they can see almost 4 times more and better. They can see a moving dam 2 kilometers away. The eagles are birds of prey of great size and of peak and heavy head. In all types of eagles, females are larger in size than males .Eagles are animals that support their partner. That is, year after year they are held together. In the same way, they return to their nest every season. In the wild, life expectancy is about 10 years. But if the eagle is raised in captivity, being well cared for and fed, they have come to live for more than 45 years.
Interesting Fact About Bateleur Eagle
To fully understand the true nature of many animals, it is not enough to observe them in the zoo or in the pages of an illustrated book. A drowsy lion in a cage is something very different from a lion thrown impetuously to the hunt after a herd of antelopes. No representation can give an idea of the agility of a squirrel, the speed of a jaguar or the enormous strength of an elephant. The same can be said of the eagles. Seen in the engravings of the books they look like birds of evil eyes; in the zoo they look like a pile of shaggy feathers. But if you are lucky enough to contemplate them in flight from the top of a mountain, you will not be able to forget the spectacle and you will always imagine the eagle as a perfect and majestic animal.
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The eagle, whose wingspread wings are more than two meters long, when it flies it is held, almost immobile and stiff, to enjoy as a candle of the wind. With light and imperceptible movements of the tail and its own wings, the eagle glides ( like the storks ), ascends, descends, follows invisible aerial currents and, if it sees a prey, plunges on it infallibly.
[table caption=”Bateleur Eagle Features” width=”500″]
1,National Bird,Zimbabwe
3,Wingspan, 2 m (6.6 ft)
5,Mass Male, 7.4 lbs.
6,Mass Female,3.2–3.6 kg (7.1–7.9 lb).
7,Body Length,2.0–2.5 kg (4.4–5.5 lb).
The bateleur eagle is a fairly large eagle. It has a distinctive black, brown, and white plumage. Although, as its name suggests, it feeds extensively on fish, in some areas it preys on flamingoes and other water birds. It is also known to eat carrion and is classified as a kleptoparasite (it steals prey from other birds). Goliath Herons are known to lose a percentage of their catch to Fish Eagles. Their main diet is fish, sometimes dead, but mostly caught live. Catfish and lungfish are caught most frequently. Larger prey is eaten on the ground next to the water.
The bateleur eagle has two distinct calls. In flight or perched, the sound is something like the American Bald Eagle. When near the nest its call is more of a ‘quock’ sound – the female is a little shriller and less mellow than the male. So well known and clear is the call of this bird that it is often known as ‘the voice of Africa’. The African Fish Eagle is usually seen in pairs inside and outside the breeding season, even sharing kills made by either of them. They spend more time perched than flying, and usually settle for the day by 10am, having made their kill, although they will kill at any time of the day.
It is most frequently seen sitting high in a tall tree from where it has a good view of the stretch of river, lakeshore or coastline, which is its territory. Near a lake with an abundant food supply, a pair may require less than a square mile of water to find enough food, whereas next to a small river, they may require a stretch of 15 miles or more. Some tend to move around to avoid the wettest weather, whereas others stay where they are all year round.
Bateleur Eagle Picture