Capital of Israel THE FUTURE OF JERUSALEM The Capital city of Israel is Jerusalem. Today Jerusalem suffers from incessant violence and lives...
Capital of Iraq The capital of Iraq is Baghdad. It has largest city in the country, with 6,431,839 inhabitants and one of...
Capital of Iran The capital city of Iran is Tehran. Most important and political and economic center of Iran being in fact...
Capital of Indonesia Jakarta (Indonesian language Jakarta). Political, industrial and financial center of Indonesia. Considered the capital and most populated city and...
Capital of India The capital of India is New Delhi it is at a crossroads between the trade routes that came from...
Capital of Hong Kong The Capital of Hong Kong is Victoria City. It is a special administrative region located in eastern China,...
National Flag of UAE UAE is anabbreviation for the United Arab Emirates, the national flag of UAE was adopted and became part...
National Flag of Thailand The national flag of the Kingdom of Thailand is known as Trairange that means “Tricolor”. It is designed...
National Flag of Saudi Arabia KSA or Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign state in Arabian Peninsula and one of the...
Oman National Flag In Arabic, the national flag of Oman is called Alam e Uman.Oman is officially an absolute monarchic state of...
Maldives national Flag History The national flag of Maldives was proposed and adopted in 1965. Maldives is a republic as of 2017,...
Lebanon National Flag History The national flag of Lebanon was adopted in 1943. Dating back to thousands of years , Lebanon remained a...