The national bird of Iceland is gyrfalcon. It is the largest of the falcon species, it is found in few parts of...
The national bird of Italy is Italian Sparrow or Passer Italiae. It is also known as a Cisalpine sparrow, it belongs to...
The national bird of Ukraine is Swan. The swans are beautiful and peaceful waterfowl birds, they belong to the phylum Chordata, class...
White-throated Dipper is the national bird of Norway. They are also known as Dippers or European Dippers or Cinclus. They belong to...
The national bird of Romania is the great white pelicans which are rare species that inhabit in African swamps, Southern Europe, and...
The National bird of Switzerland is Turaco. Turaco are unique and limited bird species found in Swiss mountains and southern Africa. The...
National Bird of UK is Robin. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) conducts an online survey in which members...