Capital City of Serbia Belgrade is the Capital city of Serbia and the largest and most populous city in the territory of...
Capital city of Russia Moscow is the Capital city of Russia, founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky Russian, are small village on...
Capital City of Poland Warsaw is the Capital City of Poland to which Sigismund III (Zygmund III) moved from Krakow the court...
Capital City of Norway Oslo . It is the most populated and capital city of Norway, is a politically Municipality , established...
Capital City of Netherlands Amsterdam. (From the Dutch Amsterdam, [ɑmstər’dɑm]) is the official Capital City of Netherlands. The city is located between...
Capital City of Montenegro: Podgorica . It is the capital and largest city of the republic of Montenegro as well as the...
Capital City of Monaco: It is the second smallest country in the world, and paradoxically the first in population density. The Principality...
Capital City of Moldova: The Republic of Moldova is a country located in southeastern Europe. Its neighbors are Romania to the west...
Capital of Malta: Valetta strikes us, above all, by its small size. The capital of Malta is also the smallest of the...
Capital City of Macedonia: West in the South and East in the North: a trip to Skopje makes the compass crazy. The...
Capital Of Luxembourg: Luxembourg is a native country in Northern Europe and is surrounded by Belgium in the west, France to the...
Capital City Of Lithuania: When we think of a capital of a European country, we imagine a big city, with the sophistication...