The national bird of Pakistan is Chukar partridge. It has family of Phasianidae that lives in semi-arid and rocky areas of the Balkans, Alps, Italian peninsula and Sicily and Pakistan. Much appreciated for its meat, hunting is considered a sport and there are dogs specialized for it.
Pakistan National Bird
National bird of Pakistan (Chukar) measures about 35 cm. The plumage has grayish brown upper parts and the lower ones are lighter, with a yellowish tint in the central area, grayish brown in the chest and whitish with dark stripes on the flanks. At distance it is indistinguishable from the common Chukar partridge (Alectoris rufa) and the chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar). It has a very black collar.
Interesting Facts About Chukar Partridge
National bird of Pakistan lives in rocky areas from a certain altitude; slightly wooded mountainous areas. In winter it descends to lower altitudes. South East Asia, South West Asia.
Foxes, minks, turons, birds of prey, crows.
Breeding in captivity
The biggest success is obtained by housing the players in pairs and in individual cages installed outdoors. Cages, which can be of different types but all very similar, must be arranged in rows, leaving some corridor between them of about 2 meters. It is essential to fence the enclosure where the players are located, both the sides with metal mesh and concrete wall, and the upper part with fisher net, in order to avoid that when opening a cage to manipulate its contents miss any of the components of the couple. Also we will avoid the passage of strange animals that could frighten the animals and spoil the reproduction, or like other birds that could transmit certain diseases.
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In relation to the fence, it is considered useful to have raffia of shade or hurdle, at least 2 meters high and around the perimeter of the cage, in order to avoid that the players can see people outside the farm and frightened of them. Finally, it is very appropriate to plant some tree inside this cage to offer some shade and freshness to the players in the hours of higher temperature.
A good health program deserves all kinds of efforts to keep all equipment inside ships and other facilities clean and to prevent traffic to the farm vehicle and unauthorized personnel in order to minimize disease risks.
[table caption=”chukar partridge Features” width=”500″]
1,National Bird,Pakistan
3,Wingspan,30–45 cm
5,Mass Male,19–27 oz, 538–765 g.
6,Mass Female,19–27 oz, 538–765 g.
7,Body Length,34–38 cm,13.4–15 in
From 8 to 14; sometimes between 6 and 20 or even more. Yellow to pale beige, with reddish-brown spots. Usually, the female takes care of the incubation for between 22 and 24 days. Perhaps sometimes the female can put two separate clutches of eggs, and the male can hatch one while the female incubates the other.
Seeds, leaves, berries and insects. The diet varies by season. Many of the major diet plants were also introduced from Eurasia. Grasses provide much of the food (seeds, leaves). In winter it can feed mainly on seeds, such as bromine and Russian thistle. Eat paradise tree berries and other plants. The spring and summer diet includes many green leaves and insects.
In courtship, the male tilts the head and rotates around the female. Both members of the pair make motions that simulate feeding; the male can feed the female. Nest: The site is located on the ground, usually hidden under a bush or a protruding rock. The nest is a depression with substantial coating of grass, branches and feathers.
Chukar partridge Picture