The National bird o Belgium is Common kestrel. It is a typical inhabitant of the more or less open regions, of the cultivated areas, the grasslands, the suburban zones and the meadows, from the level of the sea until the alpine pastorals. Its optimal habitat, however, is the cultivated landscapes, with alternating fallows, shrubs, wasteland and remains of natural vegetation, in which a traditional extensive agriculture is practiced.
National Bird of Belgium
As in other aspects of its biology, this species shows an enormous capacity of adaptation in the selection of the prey from which it is nourished. Their main catches, however (and depending on the latitudes and the time of year), are mice, large insects (in particular crickets, grasshoppers, lobsters and chicharras) and various reptiles, As well as small and medium-sized birds. In the Canary Islands prey on mammals, even the size of the moray squirrel, and consume large numbers of lizards, smooth and perenquenes, as well as invertebrates.
Individuals can be considered residents, although our territory receives every year a number of winterers from central and northern Europe and is also constituted as a crossing point for the animals.
Africa through the Strait of Gibraltar. The post nuptial passage through the Strait is detected between September and October and the spring passage takes place between March and April. Unlike adults, young people born in our territory shows a very high capacity of dispersion once they become independent and often take on erratic nomads who sometimes lead them to travel up to 400 kilometers.
[table caption=”Common kestrel Features” width=”500″]
1,National Bird,Belgium
3,Wingspan,32–39 cm
5,Mass Male, 150 to 190 g.
6,Mass Female, 150 to 190 g.
7,Body Length,32 – 39 cms.
It is a species that is not very demanding to locate the nest, which can be installed in an endless number of places, from trees – in which usually used old platforms of corvids – to rocky cuts and buildings, as well as antennas, supports for the conduction of Electricity, nest boxes, billboards or the floor itself. The sunsets start at the end of March or early April – previously in the Canaries – and tend to be higher the earlier. Normally they consist of three to six eggs (although they have registered
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Interesting Facts about Common kestrel
About his appearance physical:
The Kestrel is a small bird of prey size and a Falcon of body. The plumage of the Kestrel is of color brown with spots black. The peak is of grey dark color
About their behavior:
For Common kestrel you see normally flying or perched on a tree or thread electric and it is rarely on the floor.
Common Kestrel picture