Do you know today is what national day ? We have Fire Pup Day on October 1, because October is the Fire Awareness Month. With burning leaves and glowing bedding it’s time to think about fire safety. Courageous, funny and strange dogs help children talk in a safe environment. Try to find books for the children that love you. Here are some suggestions.
Sadie, is the real life dog working in Colorado in a barrel. She comes into the burning fire after the fire to see how the fire started. His feeling is one hundred times stronger than a human being.
This means that you can even find the lowest fuel to start a fire. When he finds the source of the fire, he sits and points his nose. Sometimes Sadie goes to school to teach children about fire safety. Sadie had a job as a resident because she was the model of a monument in Washington DC. Sadie is a hero and won a Hero Dog Award from the American Human Association.