We need water to survive. We need it to stay hydrated, to practice good hygiene, and even for recreation.
When the water in your home is compromised or is not as pure as it should be, there can be negative side effects. Some homeowners are not even aware that their home’s water might not be free of minerals.
While it is relatively simple to solve the issue of impure water once the problem is diagnosed, it isn’t always obvious that there is a problem present at all.
The only sure way to check the status of a home’s water supply is to get it tested. This brings up another concern: when should you test your water, and how frequently is too frequently?
With the help of a few experts, there are some guidelines as to how often to get the water tested and what to do to resolve any water issues.
Why Should I Bother Testing My Water?

Source: thespruce.com
There are many reasons to get the water in your home tested. It could benefit your health and reduce any discomfort that you might not even realize is caused by the quality of the water in your home.
It is most common to test water that is sourced privately for contaminants like bacteria, minerals, and other harmful substances. These could have serious impacts on health so it is unsafe to leave these issues unresolved.
While there are the uncommon possibilities of your water containing harmful chemicals like lead or radon and sometimes bacteria, it is much more common to test water for hardness.
Hard water has a high mineral content which causes it to leave unpleasant residues on plumbing, dishes, and even your body after a shower.
If you notice your soaps or shampoos do not work into a lather easily, there is a good chance you have hard water running through your pipes.
Another common sign is if there is the mineral buildup on any appliance that uses water. In some of the worst-case situations, pipes can get clogged and water heaters can fail to work properly.
To keep all of this from happening and to really boost the cleanliness of your water, it is in your household’s best interest to test the water before the situation worsens. It is worth the peace of mind that water testing offers.
Some Expert Opinions

Source: tucson.com
It is more beneficial to test water that comes from a private well supply. Publicly sourced water tends to be cleaner because it is regulated by the region it comes from, so it isn’t necessary to test frequently.
Private wells and other water sources are more prone to bacteria and minerals, making it more worth the resources to test those regularly. Without any significant changes to the members in the household, it is really only necessary to test the private water about once a year.
It is suggested, however, that if there is a baby or a pregnant woman in the household to test the water every few months or so. Frequent illness could also be a sign of contaminated water supply, so if household members keep getting sick, it might be worth it to test the water.
Any time there is an off-putting odor or color to the water supply, it is a good idea to test it for an increase in minerals or contaminants. These could lead to illness if they are not resolved quickly and efficiently.
When it comes to the health and safety of your family and friends, it is best not to cut any corners. Testing the household’s water supply regularly is a simple way to keep everyone feeling their best.
If the water tests positive for contaminants, there are a few different actions to take. Depending on the situation, it could be as simple as adding in a water filter or changing one small piece of your lifestyle.
What To Do If You Have Contaminated Water

Source: avensonline.org
There are many reasons that water supply could come back with results you don’t want to see. If this happens, there are a few different answers that could make the water clean and healthy again.
Possibly one of the simplest issues to fix that is relatively common is the presence of hard water. To reduce its effects, many households install hard water purifiers and filters.
To really make life with hard water a little easier, it is a good idea to use special soaps and shampoos during shower time. Hard water makes it difficult to create a soapy lather and might leave frustrating residues on your hair and body.
There are so many different products that could help fight against hard water. Gift Wits, in their article “Best Shampoo for Hard Water You Need to Buy Today”, mentioned some of the best options to make a simple change in your daily routine.
For more serious issues, like lead or bacteria in the water, it is a safer option to contact a licensed contractor or professional to address the issue.
These concerns are not easy to deal with and, if treated incorrectly, can cause even more serious health risks than they did initially. It’s best to leave it to the professionals to make your home safe again.
In the meantime, while it is not yet fixed, boiling water can most likely remove the harmful elements it contains. This won’t be ideal for showering or drinking a glass of cold water, but it will work for cooking until the problem is addressed.
For some other concerns with chemical presence in the water supply, it can help to shock chlorinate the well water. Disinfecting the plumbing system is another important step in removing all harm from the water supply.
There is no need to worry when a water test comes back with undesirable results. There is a fix for every problem that will make you and your family feel better.
Testing the water supply is an important part of homeownership. It will make you feel better about the well-being of your family and help you rest a little easier at night.