Academic writing is an act of turning your knowledge, research and experiment results, and empiric details into paperwork, for academic purposes. It’s different from an essay, which can be based on fiction. Academic papers are non-fictional, well-structured, and provide evidence on what’s the topic of research. The person who writes it should have a lot of knowledge on the topic, but also perform some basic researches, to complete the paper. They also have to work on their writing skills, so they can connect all those facts and evidence into a nice and readable text. But, not everyone can do that, especially those who lack in talents for writing.
One of the most obvious solutions is to look for a writing service and get help from them, and they are available online, like, and ready to provide top service. But, some people still want to do that on their own, without including anyone in the process. The good news is that it’s possible, if they practice enough, and try to use some of these tips and ways to improve the writing style, so they can work on their academic papers without any help.
Here are some of them:
1. Practice every day

Practicing is important, and you can start with rewriting short articles, to see how it’s going and if you can do that. Find a text that is related to what you work on. Think about the synonyms you can use or the same words, but in a different order than still makes sense. Rewriting is the best way to work on your style. As you do that, ask someone to read your writing and suggest some ways to improve it. You will be surprised how big progress you can make in a few weeks, just on time to start working on your academic paper.
2. Active voice is a priority
Rewriting doesn’t mean putting the active sentence in a passive voice. The real art of writing is to still keep the active voice and make a unique piece of paper. Sometimes, the context requires using a passive voice, so you don’t have to insist on active all the time. But, don’t forget that the active voice is engaging and inviting, and at the same time more interesting to the readers. As soon as you practice this, you will see how you are getting better in writing.
3. Learn the rules of punctuation

We all know how to use commas, full stops, exclamation, and question marks, but you need to go further. Every language has specifications that include using a wide array of punctuation signs, like hyphens, dashes, semi-colon, colon, and many others. Some languages even have unique punctuation signs, like Spanish, which start with exclamation and question marks upside down, at the beginning of the sentence. So, take your time and learn these specifications about your language. It can make a huge change, and turn your writing into a quality piece of academic paper.
4. The structure of the paper
You always have to introduce the topic to the readers at the very beginning of the writing. Use short and concise sentences to encourage them to read more, and get them interested in the theory. Be careful about the sentence structure, because you don’t need to sound like a first-grader who just learned to write. Also, finish the writing with a conclusion, to sum up, what you’ve learned during the research process while writing the paper. In between, give enough space for the explanation, the research process, your conclusions, and vibrant descriptions of what you’ve done during the whole process. Use synonyms together in the sentence if you want to bold what’s written, but avoid them in a case when you want to use more words. Repetitions can be pretty risky, and you have to really be skilled to use them properly. So, in the initial stages, you should avoid them, and as you gain experience and improve your style, you will manage to put them right.
5. Use the vocabulary you have, and work on expanding it

Don’t try to use words you don’t understand. You won’t appear smarter than you are, and you risk making a huge mistake if you don’t use them right. In the beginning, use only the current vocabulary, and during that process, learn more words, but take enough time to get used to. In many cases, it’s always better to explain what do you want to tell using a few sentences instead of one word that you don’t understand. Every word is placed in a sentence using the rules of the language, and if you don’t really know it, you risk failing.
6. Maintain a formal language
Don’t use everyday phrases for your academic paper and avoid colloquial language. You need to express what you know, not to impress the people who read it. The more you know about the topic, you will be able to maintain a nice style, including all the needed information, without overusing words. Be clear and concise, so you can share the message with all those people who will put their hands on your work.
7. Don’t skip the editing phase

As you complete the paper, you have to read it once again. As you do that, you will get plenty of better ideas for improvement. Sometimes you can even ask your teacher to read it before you submit the final version of the paper. Editing and proofreading is a very important step because it can make you see the mistakes you made, fix them, and learn how to avoid them in the future. Even when someone else is doing that, they will report their suggestions to you, and you will learn new skills and improve your writing style using them.
We don’t say it’s easy. We only say that with enough effort and hard work, you can accomplish anything. Start with your writing style, and work on it every day, until you lead it to perfection.