We are going to share today is what national day? On August 8, our attention was drawn to cats (all cats) celebrating their International Cat Day and on August 12 our all attention was on World Elephant Day. Following a protest movement probably orchestrated by the black cat of the community, an International Black Cat Day of valorization of the black cat is also proposed every August 17th.
International Black Cat Day August 17
Victims get superstitions?
In the collective unconscious, without really knowing the reasons, the black cat carries many superstitions and so many fears. He would be responsible for a lot of misfortune and some people make him pay dearly for these unfounded beliefs.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), in some ways the British SPA, “demonstrated” that black cats were more likely than other cats to be abandoned by their owners.
Because of their color, they are – according to the same organism – sometimes the target of violence. In shelters, black cats also wait longer than others before finding an adoptive family …
A valorization effort
The black cat valorization day was therefore launched to raise public awareness of the great cause of black cats (!) And to encourage people to adopt oneof the black cat is also proposed every August 17th.
Victims get superstitions?
In the collective unconscious, without really knowing the reasons, the black cat carries many superstitions and so many fears. He would be responsible for a lot of misfortune and some people make him pay dearly for these unfounded beliefs.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), in some ways the British SPA, “demonstrated” that black cats were more likely than other cats to be abandoned by their owners.
Because of their color, they are – according to the same organism – sometimes the target of violence. In shelters, black cats also wait longer than others before finding an adoptive family.
A valorization effort
The black cat valorization day was therefore launched to raise public awareness of the great cause of black cats (!) And to encourage people to adopt one.