We are going to share today is what national day ? Since 2005, the third Thursday of October has been chosen to celebrate the “International Day for Conflict Resolution”. This initiative came from the Association for Conflict Resolution.
International Day for Conflict Resolution October 20
Because each conflict deserves a solution
Faced with a dispute, whether family, neighborhood, commercial, or social, mediation is necessary. When oppositions are made at the level of regions or countries, all energies must be used for the friendly resolution of the conflict, for negotiation, without ever arriving at physical or military confrontations.
The durable solution to a conflict cannot be based on the humiliation of the other. The latter generates resentment and resentment, and always ends up by relaunching a new conflict. Recent world history is full of these strokes of forces and biased negotiations which have brought into them many revolts and wars.
The Army
Many organizations are relaying this day and if it is not surprising to find a mediation network among them , it is interesting to see that armed forces (in this case Canadian) are also involved in these issues and advocate negotiation as a prerequisite to any interference.