We are going to share today is what national day ? Since 1992, on the initiative of the Panafrican Writers Association (PAWA), November 7 named as International Day of the African Writer.
International Day of the African Writer November 7
Among the countries that are participating consistently in this day are the efforts undertaken by Senegal, with its national association the AES (association of Senegalese writers).
Open to all men of letters
The association was founded in 1973 and several personalities of the literary world succeeded one another: Dr. Birago Diop (author of the famous “Tales of Amadou Koumba”), Amanita Sow Fall (author of “The strike of the battu “) or the poet Amadou Lamine Sall, president of the African House of International Poetry (MAPI). Currently, the AES is directed by Alioune Badara Bèye, playwright and author of “Nder in flames”. Only one condition of membership is required: members must have already published one of their books. All artistic genres are appreciated: poems, news, novels and plays. The AES welcomes all writers residing in Senegal, whatever their nationality. Open to all men of Letters, it now includes some fifty active members.
The tribute paid by the AES to the former president of the Senegal Leopold Sedar Senghor shows the importance of the poet’s role in promoting literature in Senegal.