
Lapwing: National Bird of Ireland

National Bird of Ireland

The national bird of Ireland is Lapwing. The Lapwing belongs to the family of spiders, which is made up of more than 200 different species of birds. Carpenters have the ability to strike tree trunks 20 times per second. With the blows that give the trunks of the trees mark their territory. Carpenters do not walk they jump.

Ireland National Bird

National bird of Ireland has very striking plumage, white, black and red, although there are also species of carpenters of yellow and red color. His skull is very strong, so that when giving so hard blows do not suffer a concussion. His eyes have three eyelids, to hold the eye well and have no retinal detachment. Its beak is also very strong, as are the muscles of the neck.

The national bird of Ireland In the trees stands vertically and uses its tail to rest as if it were a third leg. Their feet are cigodactiles, that is to say, they have two fingers in front and two backwards. These birds have a barbed tongue, which is very sticky, and is up to four times longer than its beak, allowing it to hunt insects inside the hollows of the trees.

National Bird of Ireland

The size of the Ireland national bird varies depending on the species, the largest being the imperial carpenter , which is up to 59 centimeters, and one of the smallest is the carpacar bataraz , which measures 15 centimeters.

Interesting Facts about Lapwing


Carpenters inhabit wooded areas scattered widely throughout the world.


Carpenter feeding is based on ants on the floor and insects in flight, although the vast majority eats insects in the hollows of trees, depending on the kind of carpenter he is.

One exception to this is the Lapwing, which stores acorns for the winter months.


Lapwing lay between 2 and 9 eggs. The incubation takes about 15 days and a month they are ready to be independent. The vast majority of carpenters are monogamous birds.

He is very clever in the care of his nest, because in the presence of an intruder theatricalises the situation by pretending to be brooding, but in another side, so that the visitor is directed towards him. Sometimes it makes short flights away from its nest with the appearance of not being able to fly well, as if it were hurt, repeating it several times more and more until the danger passes. Many times he makes flights flush over the intruder, even rubbing it with his exposed spurs. In the case of birds of prey or feline attacks them until getting them away.

Sometimes fights occur between males by the attraction of the female, for which they use the beak and not the spurs. In the flight of attraction flutter the female with the head as erect as possible and the tail down.

The nest is a small hole in a field barely delimited by twigs and herbs, and is very difficult to distinguish. They lay their eggs at the end of winter, and the same pair can lay several times during the year; Its incubation period is 26 days. The color of their eggs is greenish gray with small dark spots. Once the chicks are born, the father and mother take care of them.

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In recent years field observations have raised the possibility that some teros develop a polygenic behavior, i.e. there is more than one female per male. During the egg laying and birth of the pigeons are very aggressive and vigilant animals. When night arrives the mother blankets the chicks under her wings. They remain under the care of the parents until they learn to fly, which happens approximately the month of life.

[table caption=”Lapwing Features” width=”500″]
1,National Bird,Ireland
3,Wingspan,10–16 inches.
5,Mass Male, 340 grm .
6,Mass Female, 340 grm.
7,Body Length,8 inch to 1 ft

General information
There are different species of carpenters such as the carpenter Rufous , the carpenter yellowish , carpenter cabecirojo , carpenter of Guayana , carpenter scapular , among others.

Most woodpeckers dig their own nests in the trunks of trees, which takes several days to finish them and only use it once. Although there are some exceptions such as the rufous carpenter, who digs his nest in the middle of arboreal ants, which serves to provide food without having to leave the nest.

Lapwing Picture

Picture of Lapwing

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