Today we will tell you today is national what day. National Addiction Day is celebrated on October 15 each year. Drug addiction is one of the greatest evils that plagues modern societies, especially those that are experiencing economic, social, political or identity crises.
Citing substance abuse is often referring to drugs such as hashish, heroin or cocaine, which nevertheless constitutes a rather restrictive view of the general phenomenon of drug addiction as defined by the World Health Organization.
National Addiction Day October 15
The fringe of the population most exposed to this scourge is constituted by adolescents in need of reference. At this age of life, the experience of drugs can respond to a need for risk, provocation or transgression for subjects operating in suitable grounds such as unbalanced families or societies in crisis.
Many countries celebrate this day and our attention has been drawn to the praiseworthy efforts of the Algerian government to eradicate this scourge. Algeria has become aware of this evil that is eating away a part of its youth and considerable efforts are being made by the authorities to stem, if not eradicate, the development of this devastating evil.
Youth against drugs
On the occasion of the celebration of the World Day for the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction, the Ministry of Youth and Sports organized, in partnership with the National Office for Drugs and Drug Addiction, a regional drawing on the theme “Young people against drugs”. (action taken in 2004)
This competition involved children and young people aged 12 to 20 years who are most likely to be attracted by the use of drugs to make them aware of the dangers involved.
A local jury chaired by the Director of the Youth Information and Youth Center, composed of a psychologist, a specialized educator and a professional in the visual arts, was set up in each wilaya and 10 works selected.
A national jury composed of a representative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, a representative of the National Office for the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction, directors of the Information and Youth Centers of the six walleyes concerned and a teacher of visual arts was set up and 5 winners by wilaya were awarded .