After the stressful spring with all the distance learning, worries, and uncertainty, summer vacation is finally here. Have you got plans on how to spend it yet?
Probably, the first thing that comes to your mind is to just fool around and do nothing… And that’s fine – for several days. But remember – you only have less than two months before the wheels start turning again!
Our world values achievement and success above all. So, don’t think that your peers will all be enjoying leisure time quietly waiting for the next semester to begin. Chances are, they’ve already made a schedule for the weeks to come.
In order to keep up, you’d better map out a plan for your vacation, too. Reserve some time for relaxation and recreational activities, but also set some goals to achieve before you’re back to your studies.
In case you think that choices are endless – or, otherwise, there’s nothing important for you to do – we put together a list of some useful skills and habits that you’ll certainly need in your next academic year. What’s more – they will be much-needed later on in your life, too!
5 Skills to Master

Let’s start with skills. And before we move on, here are some tips for you to remember:
- Don’t try to do everything at once. Instead, choose one or two skills that you need the most and concentrate on them.
- Write down a step-by-step plan, breaking one big task into small, manageable goals.
- Be consistent! This is key.
If you already know what skills you need to acquire or train – that’s great. But if you’re undecided yet, listed below are our best suggestions.
1. Research and Analysis

Research and analytical skills are always in demand. You’ll need them everywhere – in college or university, in your future career, in your own business, and in your everyday life.
Almost all jobs require these skills, as do most academic tasks. You’ve certainly already written plenty of essays and term papers, so you should know that there’s no good essay or any other academic paper without well-conducted research.
Training this skill is not an easy task at all, and it takes a lot of patience and knowledge. Luckily, has a complete guide for you on how to do research on any topic like a pro in 5 steps. If you still need more tips – just use the research skills you already have and find them!

Time management is an essential competency that everyone needs to possess, and the sooner you learn it – the better. If you’re still not good at it, this summer is perfect to finally solve the problem.
Hundreds of thousands of words have been written on how to master time management… But the truth is, nothing will work until you start doing one thing: really concentrating on managing your time better.
If concentration and attention are not among your best merits, use task planners and time trackers to help you structure your time better.
This may seem like a boring thing to do during a vacation – always watching your time. But this skill is so crucial that there’s no way you can be successful in any field at all without having it.
3. Communication

Communication is probably the most demanded soft skill in any career. Effective communication can help you do a lot of things – make an unforgettable impression at an exam or a job interview, resolve conflicts, and even arrange your social and personal life.
Successful communication is a complex activity that includes:
- Listening;
- Speaking and writing (verbal communication);
- Non-verbal communication;
- Stress management and emotion control.
All this is rather difficult to master, so what we advise to do is to enroll in some summer course where you’ll have experienced tutors to help you. Another great way to train your communication skills is by starting a blog or finding a job in media or sales.
4. Creativity

Creativity may not seem like an essential skill required for all professions and occupations, but in fact, it is. Whatever you do, if you’re able to find a non-standard working solution to a common problem, you’ll always be way ahead of your more narrow-minded peers.
This skill is also the easiest to train during a vacation because you can gain profit and have fun at the same time. Just take up some of the popular creative hobbies – photography, graphic or sound design, video production, blogging, writing novels, composing music. There are so many of them that anyone can find something to his or her taste!
5. Self-presentation

If you’ve already mastered all the skills listed above, then it’s high time to hone your self-presentation abilities to ensure your future success and prosperity. Use all your arsenal of knowledge to build a personal brand – and you’ll make your future life and career so much easier!
If you’re not ready for such a turn yet, start from polishing your resume and perfecting your social media accounts. Another great idea is to get yourself prepared for final exams and future job interviews.
Habits to Adopt

There are also some habits that will help you enhance your studying experience and boost productivity. Start working on them now, and by the time a new semester starts, you’ll already be fully armed.
Here’s what we offer.
Getting Up Early
Not everyone is an early bird, but while you’re studying, you have to live by the schedule. So, if you can’t change the situation, you can try to adapt your habits in order to make your mornings less painful instead.
Doing Sports Regularly
You may also not be a fan of sports, but the fact is, doing exercises really helps to stay fit and productive. It’s not necessary to take up something intense. You can just go for a short run, ride a bike, do yoga – do anything you like!
Eating Healthy
Do we need to comment on this one? “You are what you eat,” – enough said!
Finishing Your Tasks
You can work hard daily, but none of your efforts will be effective if you’re used to giving everything up halfway. If you really want to get something done – concentrate on finishing your tasks, at least those that you consider important.
Summer vacations are for having fun, so having a good rest and recharging your batteries should be your number one priority during these months.
But it’s also a great time to catch up on something you might have missed during the academic year, to acquire new skills, and adopt some habits that will make your life in the next semester significantly easier. Don’t miss this opportunity!