The capital city of Ecuador is Quito and also of the province of Pichincha . In addition, it is the head of the metropolitan area that forms, known as Metropolitan District of Quito which is the capital city of Ecuador.
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Capital City Of Ecuador
It is located on the Guayllabamba basin on the eastern slopes of the active stratovolcano Pichincha, in the western part of the Andes . Quito which is the capital city of Ecuador average altitude is 2850 meters above sea level. Turning it into the second highest administrative capital in the world (after La Paz) and the highest official capital of the planet. The city is divided into 32 parishes, which are subdivided into neighborhoods. The best way to visit it quickly and easily is with Wijet.

capital city of Ecuador
History About Ecuador
The history of the city of Quito which is the capital city of Ecuador goes back to times before the Christian era. It is known that the area now occupied by Quito which is the capital city of Ecuador was populated from at least 900 BC In pre-Inca times the importance of Quito which is the capital city of Ecuador was based more on its strategic location than on its political status. It was the center of union of the routes between the main towns of the zone and therefore was the axis of an intense commercial interchange.
World Heritage
The City of Quito which is the capital city of Ecuador , capital of Ecuador , was founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city, and is located at an altitude of 2,850 m. In spite of the earthquake of 1917 , the city has the best preserved and least altered historical center of Latin America . The monasteries of San Francisco and Santo Domingo, and the College of La Compañía Church and the Jesuits, with their rich interiors, are pure examples of the “baroque school of Quito”, originated by the fusion of Spanish, Italian, Arabic , Flamenco and indigenous.The city was included in the List of World Heritage of UNESCO in 1978 .
The architecture is mainly of Hispanic Baroque style; Include the cathedral, built in the 16th century , and the churches of San Francisco, San Agustín, La Compañía and Santo Domingo. Quito which is the capital city of Ecuador is home to the Central University of Ecuador, the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador and the National Polytechnic School. The city extends along a rectangular layout, with a large central square, steep streets and quiet parks with gardens full of flowers.
The city and the district are located mainly on the plateau of Quito, that forms part of the Hoya de Guayllabamba, which is located in the eastern slopes of the active stratovolcano Pichincha, in the Western Cordillera of the northern Andes of Ecuador, to a Average altitude of 2850 meters above sea level. The city is bordered by the Casitagua volcano in the north, the geological fault EC-31 (known as the Falla de Quito-Ilumbisi or Falla de Quito) in the east, the eastern slopes of the Pichincha in the west and the Atacazo Volcano by the south. Its approximate dimensions are of 50 km of length in direction south-north and 4 km of width of east to west.
The greatest telluric activity was recorded during the Quaternary period in the Pleistocene era , which formed the rugged landscape of the city. In the Pliocene , several events of considerable importance in the country and the continent were presented, however, the city was influenced mostly by them. Despite this, there were some events during that period as evidenced in some areas of the East of the city.
Interesting Facts About Quito
The climate of the city of Quito corresponds to the temperate mountain climate, with a prolonged rainy season and a dry season of four months, the average annual temperature is 7 to 22 o C.
The administration of the city is exercised through the Cabildo or Council which is composed of 15 councilors and is chaired by the Metropolitan Mayor, in turn, all these components are chosen to perform these functions during a period of four years, by means of a Universal suffrage.
Some of the main interests that the Metropolitan Council has in charge are those of the city planning, cultural promotion, provision of public services, the competent tax provisions of the city, the regulation of public and private transport, the use of Public property, the approval of the city’s general budget, the establishment of urban, district and parish boundaries. It also corresponds to the designation of the sections presented by the Mayor for the Secretary of the Council, Attorney of the metropolitan district, the General Administrator, the Directors General and the managers of the public companies of the city.
Quito which is the capital city of Ecuador is the second most populated city in Ecuador with 1 504 991 inhabitants in 2005 according to an estimate of the municipality of Quito based on the population numbers of INEC.
The population of the city is of marked mestizo aspect (indigenous – European), this from the colonial time existing other races like black, indigenous and foreign nuances, due to the constant increase of residents of the whole world, in definitive a very diverse city and cosmopolitan. The character of Quito synthesizes the common Ecuadorian, being a very kind, educated, fraternal and above all very human person.