The national bird of Turkey is redwing. Birds of Turkey are warm-blooded (or homeothermic) animals, that is, they retain their body temperature like mammals, and they do not depend on the environment as much as cold-blooded animals (fish, amphibians, and reptiles).
Bird of Turkey
So these warm-blooded animals can live in the most inhospitable environments. Hence they live in a variety of media. We find terrestrial birds such as the nightingale, the turtledove or the sparrow, freshwater birds such as the coot, mallard or heron, saltwater like penguins, cormorants or seagulls or brackish water like flamingos. It is also thanks to the ability to fly those birds can live almost anywhere in the world. But not all birds fly like the ostrich, the emu or the kiwi. These birds depend on race and camouflage to protect themselves from predators.
National Bird of Turkey
The national bird of Turkey is redwing. Birds with more than 9,000 species are the most numerous vertebrates, far more than amphibians (more than 4,000 species) and mammals (5,000 species).
Birds have a great diversity of sizes. We find the zunzuncito (a species of hummingbird), which is 5 cm in length, is the smallest bird in the world, while the 2 m long ostrich is the largest bird in the world.
The national bird of Turkey is redwing besides having feathers and being flying animals, the birds are characterized mainly by:
Interesting Facts About Redwing
– Having a fur covered with feathers and devoid of sweat glands and sebaceous as opposed to mammals.
Instead of sweating, the bird’s pant.
– Have wings with identical structure (whether flying or not).
– Have horny beak without teeth.
– The aerodynamic body adapted to the flight.
Previous extremities transformed into wings for flight.
– Respiration of lung type.
– Have an internal skeleton, because it is the animal vertebrate.
Peacock feathers
Photo of peacock feathers
Plumage protects birds from cold and heat and allows them to fly
– Double, complete and closed blood circulation. Presence of nucleated red blood cells (erythrocytes).
– To have syrinx: structure of the respiratory apparatus responsible for producing sounds.
Do you know the national flag of Andorra?
– A reproductive system devoid of external sexual organs.
Reproduction ovípara and internal fertilization.
– Great visual capacity and bad sense of smell.
– A very effective respiratory system with a system of lungs greatly developed and special respiratory structures: air sacs.
[table caption=”Redwing Features” width=”500″]
No., Features, Measures,
1, National Bird, Turkey
2, Family, Turdidae
3,Wingspan,33–34.5 cm
4, Phylum, Chordate
5, Mass Male,50–75 g
6, Mass Female,55–85 g.
7,Body Length,1.5cm – 3.1 cm.
– Skeleton constituted by the skull and vertebral column: they are vertebrate animals.
– Ability to keep body temperature constant (homeothermia) like mammals.
They can control their body temperature and therefore it does not depend on the environmental conditions.
– Accelerated metabolism and digestion as an adaptation to flight.
– Development of a complex nervous system.
* Related information: the Flying ability of birds
Bird of Turkey Adaptations
The adaptations of the most important birds are to be able to fly: all birds have wings (large or small), formed from the transformation of the front legs of some reptiles (according to the theory of evolution).
On the other hand, the skeleton of birds is much less heavy than that of mammals, because their bones are hollow inside. Thanks to the pectoral muscles, and to the feathers of the wings and tail (the pens and the rudders), the birds can fly. The pectoral muscles of the birds are very strong to be able to beat the wings with great force.
Therefore, the light skeleton, well-developed muscles, plus the toothless horny beak and aerodynamic body allow the birds to have a low weight and great power to be able to fly comfortably.
* More information: Bird adaptations
Curiosities about the birds
There is a myth that owls drink the oil from churches when in reality they only capture the insects trapped in the oils.
Wading birds, such as herons, cranes or storks, have long legs, and so do not frighten their food, fish.
Not only the ostrich or the kiwi does not know how to fly but also parrots like the kakapó also lost the ability to fly.
There are some birds like the duck that has the ability to lay eggs to compensate for the high loss rate of chicks to ensure the survival of the species.
The royal shrike is also known by the name of executioner killer because of the habit of impaling their prey on the spines of thorns.
Redwing Picture
Authors Bio:
Mr. Kenneth Lucianin is an administration and network undertakings proficient with twenty years of differentiated involvement in Community outreach programs, and civil and state-level enactment. He is a United States Navy veteran positioned at the Pentagon. Going before his opportunity in the military Lucianin went to Bergen Community College and Rutgers University and sought after a degree in Public Affairs.