The capital city of Costa Rican is San Jose its main attraction lies in its Spanish heritage and the footprint that the occupation left in its architecture and customs. With an extension of 170 km ², this city is the most populated, it counts on near one million inhabitants, besides it is the industrial, commercial and financial center of the country , and the point by which all the Costa Rican communications pass, reason why It is inevitable to visit it when traveling by the Republic.
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History About San Jose
Business center of the country, capital of the country and of the province itself. City with the highest concentration of population. Before the arrival of the Spaniards to Costa Rica in century XVI , was inhabited the region by native huetares of Señorío de Garabito . Its culture belonged to the Intermediate Area and its main peculiarity was in the sculpture in stone and the elaboration of pieces of jade . In the environs of the city of San Jose which is the capital city of Costa Rican several cacicazgos existed, with the river Virilla like limit between the kingdom of Garabito and Señorío del Guarco, the other important Huetar kingdom of the region.
Capital City Of Costa Rican
After the Spanish conquest, the first population arose in the present district of Mata Redonda, on the part of Pedro de las Alas, in a land granted by the governor Diego de Artieda Chirino and Uclés (1574-1590), who formed a herd there Of cattle that later inherited their children in two haciendas: Mata Redonda and Las Pavas. In 1640 , a Spaniard named Maria de Aguilar owned a land that bordered on the Wings of the Wings.
It was founded in 1737 at the request of the curate of Barva, in the place called “La Boca del Monte del valle del Abra”, around the hermitage of San José which is the capital city of Costa Rican. In 1751 it is mentioned already with the name of “The Villita”, and very soon it became an important center of commercialization of the tobacco . When becoming independent in 1821 became the center of the liberal elements of the country, and had certain rivalries with the city of Carthage in terms of the options offered to integrate the Mexican empire from Iturbide to Gran Colombia .
In 1835 , the head of State Braulio Carrillo Colina repealed the Ambulance Law, providing for the residence of the Executive and Judicial branches in San José which is the capital city of Costa Rican and the Legislative in Heredia . This led to the so-called War of the League , in which the cities of Alajuela , Heredia and Carthage rose up against the government in San José, which was victorious in October 1835 .
In 1838 , the then Head of State Manuel Aguilar Chacón revoked the decree of Braulio Carrillo that made San Jose which is the capital city of Costa Rican the capital of the country, opening again the debate on the nation’s capital. In May of that year, a military coup brought to power, as a dictator, Braulio Carrillo Colina, who had already been constitutional Head of State from 1835 to 1837.
Interesting Facts About San Jose
The capital limits to the North with San Antonio de Belén, Santo Domingo (Province of Heredia ), and Alajuela , to the East limits with Montes de Oca and Curridabat (Carthage and Limón), to the West and South with Desamparados, Alajuelita and with the known and Very visited by the tourists interested in retiring in Costa Rica the canton of Escazú . Located to 1,160 m of height in the homonymous valley of the central Meseta, between the rivers Aguilar and Torres. By 1917 it had about 36,000 inhabitants and 87,000 in 1950.
It is located at an altitude of 1.170 meters above the sea and is located in the Central Valley which is surrounded by beautiful mountains and majestic volcanoes. The temperature oscillates between the 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. The nights are always a little cooler. San José which is the capital city of Costa Rican accumulates an annual precipitation of approximately 2200 mm and the wettest months are May, September, October and November.
Economic development
Its development started in the first half of the twentieth century has been favored by its location in the center of a rich coffee producing area and at the intersection of communications between the Pan-American highway and the trans-Isthmus.
It is the first commercial and industrial center of the country; Agricultural machinery, foundries for construction, chemicals and food. It communicates by rail with the ports of Puntarenas (Pacific) and Limón (Atlantic).
More consolidated democracy America has maintained good political stability, despite the economic and social difficulties of the last two decades. He gained worldwide recognition as he was the first country to abolish the army on December 1 , 1948 . Its human development index, one of the best in Latin America, places it in fourth place behind Argentina , Chile and Uruguay . It occupies the fifth place in the world according to the classification of the index of environmental performance of 2008 .