The national bird of Mozambique is Tocororo, also known as Cuban Trogon. The bird belongs to class Aves of family trogonidar, genus Priotelus and species P. temnurus. Their binomial name is Priotelus temnurus. The Tocororos are often painted on Mozambique Airlines and are asymbol of the country as the bird’s color combination matches the flag color of Mozambique Republic. The Tocororos live in dry and lowlands, some of the species may inhibit in swampy areas and wetlands. The name Tocororo is of Spanish origin, and it is standard one due to its particular toco-tocoro call.
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The color combination of Tocororo which is the national bird of Mozambique is greenish-blue and red-white. They have green pigments in the feathers and back of their head. They have adark red belly and the lower part of thebeak. The feathers are strong and colorful, the crown of Tocororo is anamalgamation of blue and some traces of red color. The top of the beak is a combination of red, blue, and white colors. The birds have long tails, and medium size, fluffy and soft, the average length of Tocororo is 11 inches. The lower region that comprises tail is dark green with a grayish region before the tail area starts. The eyes too are red in color, the claws are grayish and black.Apart from being the National Bird of Mozambique, Tocororos are also the official National Birds of Cuba. They are in abundant population in Cuban region.
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1,National Bird,Mozambique
3,Wingspan,5 feet
5,Mass Male,47-75 g
6,Mass Female,47-75 g
7,Body Length,25.5 to 28 cm
The Tocororos or Cuban trogons are sub-tropical birds similar to the most of the medium-sized birds of their species. They have replacement feathers that can be grown once shed. The feathers are sturdy and colorful, the crown of Tocororo is a namalgamation of blue and some traces of red color. They have a short flight range, they mostly live in shady areas in thick forests.
Interesting Facts About National Bird Of Mozambique :
- Male and female tocororos are similar in shape and size, although there is a minute difference as males are slightly bigger in size than females.
- Cuban trogons mostly reside in Islands and Lowlands.
- They feed on insects, seeds, and fruits. The fruits they eat dependson the availability in the region.
- They live in the abandoned nests of woodpeckers if available, tocororos also build their own nests if needed. They live in tree holes.
- Tocororos lay 3-4 eggs per season, the eggs are white in color and oval in shape, not bigger than an ordinary crow egg.
- The Cuban trogons hunt for insects or food in small groups, the groups are further sub-divided to pairs.
- The tocororos are least concerned species and are not in danger worldwide.
- The estimated population of tocororos worldwide is around 50,000. The species are decreasing at a rate of 10% per decade.
- The tocororos are often seen flying while eating an insect or fruit.
- According to an old mythology, tocororos are bringers of wealth and good news if they chirp on someone’s doorstep early in the morning.
- The bird is a free soul and dies in a matter of days if caged.
- The average life of a Tocororo is 2-3 years.