Discover how using good pricing ideas can save you time and lessen risks, helping your business to do better.
Businesses use pricing principles to set prices. Usually, a business will look at a lot of different things to do this. A pricing principle, or a pricing rule, is a small part of a bigger pricing plan. Yet, even the smallest piece sets the rules for pricing a product. When many pricing principles come together, we call this a rule-based pricing plan.
Without special software, companies can find it hard to work out pricing principles. For example, dealing with the simplest pricing rule by hand means filling in many spreadsheets. This will take a lot of time and effort. Also, mistakes can happen. Now, imagine working with many pricing rules as part of a rule-based plan. Even the biggest businesses can’t afford to do that.
This is when automated pricing software comes into the picture. Tools like price management software can act as an advanced rule-based pricing method. It will look at many factors automatically and help set the right prices to make your business better.
Looking More Closely at the Strategy

Setting the right prices is not an easy job. Before you start setting prices, make a plan that will help you meet your goal. To do that, you need to know about the market, understand your business goals, and know who your competition is. All these things help to check and put in place good pricing principles and rules.
Remembering this, get the most from your research, look at these things:
Get to know your customers better
Try to get feedback from your customers. Ask them what they like or don’t like about the product. Try to see the product the way a customer does.
Understand your industry well
To set the best price on your product, you need to understand a lot of things. Knowing a lot about your industry is very important. Learn about when and why people buy and what drives your industry. All these things help you set a price that meets demand.
Don’t forget about the competition
Knowing your competition is a big part of setting the right price. One of the first steps is to work out who your main and secondary competitors are. You need to know who your competition is and what they are doing to be successful. Don’t undervalue the competition and always spend time on competitor analysis.
Make a step-by-step plan
Setting good prices for products has to do with the company’s ability to follow its clear goals and objectives. You need to understand what you want to get from pricing rules. Is it to sell more? Is it to make more money? Knowing what you want to achieve comes from making a detailed step-by-step plan of your goals.
These things are important to think about. They give a complete picture of what pricing rules should be used and why.
Use Pricing Principles in a Try and See Approach

After collecting all the data and ideas, it’s time to try some things out. How can you do this? You need to try different pricing plans and rules to understand them better. Also, it’s important to understand what limits the different methods have and how to work around these limits. Here are some key ways to check pricing rules:
Try things out
Understanding the good and bad points of different pricing rule ideas is not enough. You need a hands-on approach, one that brings real results. However, for the best results, focus on a few select products. This helps narrow down the test. Try different things, like raising and lowering prices, and see how customers react.
When you have a lot of information and don’t know where to start, there are a few things to think about:
Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP)
This idea suggests that a company needs to set a price based on the MAP, which means the lowest limit. Depending on the profit margin, MAP can be used for products that the company does not think are very important or a high priority. Usually, the plan works with products that are not copied by competitors or don’t have high sales.
Special threshold
In contrast to MAP, you can use price rules that have higher price points than usual. With this plan, you need to understand what your higher pricing limits are and what prices your company can handle. At this point, it’s important to understand when setting a higher price is reasonable. Based on this experience, you will find a way of getting the right prices and not pricing a product too high, which can turn customers away.
These are two basic strategies you can start with. Testing these pricing principles gives you experience and knowledge that will help you find your own unique pricing method later.
It’s All About Automation

Getting hands-on experience is a big win. You know how different pricing principles work and when you can use them. You understand the market, can correctly judge the competition, and know what your customers expect.
Yet, with all this information, you face the problem of turning it into a workable plan. As we mentioned earlier, looking at data by hand is a hard task. Most companies face the problem of dealing with a lot of information. As a result, this is when businesses turn to automated pricing tools like price management software.
This software gives suggestions and ideas that can be turned into real pricing plans. Price management software is a cheap and fast way to get the most from pricing rules and make your business better. In this time of information technology, relying on automated pricing software is not something you can afford to avoid.