Today we will tell you today is national what day. It was the International Bakery Federation (IUF) that declared the day of October 16 World Bread Day . One can wonder about the choice of this date which is parallel to that chosen for the World Food Day. Historically, bread has been an essential part of food and maybe it is simply there that you have to look for an answer … unless, like me, you cannot resist the smell of a freshly baked bread!
World Bread Day October 16
The number and variety of bread that can be found in our bakers is astonishing and leaves us revered when we think of the extreme simplicity of bread: flour, water and salt. .
Every country has its customs and traditions, every region has its bread and the renewed interest in bread with ecological wave has multiplied the available supply.
“Daily” bread still means something for most of us and it deserves a world day.