World of Warcraft (WoW) is one of the games that, although it has a long tradition and many loyal players, will always attract new ones. Popularity is not always on the rise and this is to be expected, but the good thing is that this game manages to survive for 14 years in the market, to retain loyal users, to attract new ones, to develop and to offer incredible entertainment and experience for all who play it.
When we say that this game is iconic, we really mean it. However, even if you have ever played it, getting back to it may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. In this article, we will dedicate ourselves to the expansions of the game so that we can give the best advice for beginners and returnees.
When we talk about WoW, it is worth mentioning that active players are at the community level, in a society, with common goals and interests. What few people know, especially those who are not even gamers, is that the game has loyal users all over the world, but also that there are professionals who are committed to helping young people progress and achieve better results through services like
Of course, in this context, we can mention the various expansions that World of Warcraft has, which are practically episodes outside the basic version of the game. Each one comes with a different level of difficulty and complexity. Today we will talk about them and whether and how good they are for beginners in this game.
In the following part of this text, we will list the expansions or at least some of them, with an assessment of whether they are good for beginners or not (without any special order).
1. Mists of Pandaria

Although it is quite professionally made, many players are not fans of this expansion. But for beginners, it can be a good start because it is really fun to be with all those pandas around you. Really cool and you will avoid the stress you could have with any of the other episodes. It is also inspired by the Chinese tradition and it is a unique piece of the game that is worth trying for all beginners.
2. Legion

This is a serious challenge even for those who already have experience in WoW. Loyalists love it, but if you are a beginner, our advice is to leave it for later, when you understand what exactly is happening in the basic version and what is the purpose of the expansions. But if you want serious challenges, then try, but do not get frustrated if you cannot succeed at first.
3. Battle for Azeroth

A really dramatic expansion, with so many challenges, characters, fantastic experiences, that it can be confusing in so many ways. It’s great to practice your skills, but it is still quite advanced, so beginners may be a little confused when they start. The story is also complicated, so we would recommend beginners to leave it for another time and focus on the easier ones.
4. Warlords of Draenor

For this expansion, we can say that it’s something like an homage to the original version of the game and according to many does not make much sense, but for beginners it can be interesting to be able to practice their skills, to fight the Orcs. It is also made so that you can play it in 12 hours and maximize your character, it is not very difficult, you just have to be seriously focused on what you are doing.
What do the players say?
Experts believe that it is best to start with the latest expansion because it includes everything that is needed for someone to acquire the necessary skills, to make their own character, to progress, and use it to discover even more. challenges. Chromie appears on the secondary character, through which you can return to previous expansions.
If you want to play them in order, then this is it: The Burning Crusade, Wrath Of The Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle For Azeroth, and Shadowlands.
The chronological order is usually the best because it includes elements of the level of play in which you are currently.
Practical tips for beginners

Create your character first, then you can enter the zone that corresponds to what you want. Remember that you are playing a highly intuitive game and there is no need to study it before practically applying it. Before entering the quest, you will receive instructions and our advice is not to skip them, because it contains all the necessary details.
The stories are interesting and easily enter your memory, so it is good to read more before entering the game. The starting zone lasts 10 levels, and then you are ready for tasks with a higher level of dynamics, as well as for the expansions that are available.
For starters this is a great way to get the word out that the creators’ principle is the same – don’t get users to pay until they’re sure they really want to.
To get the most out of the game, you could connect with other players, who may be your real-life friends or someone you met online. This automatically makes the whole experience much more interesting – because everything in life is better when it is shared with friends. That’s why there is a live chat option.
Even talking to people you do not yet know has a certain amount of excitement, so do not hesitate to do so.
Whenever you play this game, do not forget that you are part of something iconic, classic, and legendary. Only then can you understand the importance of WoW in the world of gaming. Whichever approach you choose, there is a way to seek help and become even better at what you do. This game is a real legend and it is up to you to decide how to pay proper respect to it.